Light. Creativity. Transformation. These three core values connect my seemingly diverse activities from entrepreneurial to artistic and charitable. They underpin my work in the fields of personal and spiritual development, as well as creating educational tools. You may know me as a writer, translator, designer, artist, lecturer, ceremonialist or an animal-assisted therapy organizer, but to me, it’s all the same.
My mission is to connect, bridge, translate, transpose, look for common denominators, uncover underlying principles – and then create, share and teach. This work has myriads of outcomes and this website is just a little sampling. Welcome to my world!

Creative Services
Since 1997, I provide a unique portfolio of advanced freelance creative services in Czech and English, including:
- Specialized Czech>English Translations & Native-Speaker Editing
- Copywriting for Web & Marketing
- Concept Creation
- Content Strategy & Content Development for websites, publications and more
- Design & Graphic Work (limited)
I collaborate with my husband Jim Freeman, who is a native English speaker. We specialize in helping Czech companies, academics and scientists reach international audiences. This palette of language and design services is very adaptive, ranging from scientific articles to, graphics, videos, creative writing, as well as web design or content development.

Transformation & Guidance
I provide guidance through changes for individuals, groups or teams, teach creativity, personal and spiritual development:
- Creativity Consulting / Coaching / Courses
- Value Anatomy (personal and corporate core values & branding)
- Personal Transformation Guidance
- Non-Denominational Custom-Designed Modern Rituals & Ceremonies
- Youtube, Podcasts & Online Teaching
I guide people through uncomfortable changes, expand their self-knowledge, emotional and spiritual intelligence but also practical creative skills. These services are suitable for teenagers, beginners, start-ups, as well as seasoned professionals. My open and inclusive approach arises from wide experience spanning multiple cultures, religions and disciplines.
My Projects
Overview of my personal projects, creative work
Value Anatomy (2017>)
Value Anatomy is a modern methodology for education, personal development, healing and business. It maps over 800 key human values into a hierarchy. I developed it with an international team and we are now ready to teach it and create tools such as a personality test, motivational cards, publications, etc.
Magna Garden Digital Art (1996>) holds an extensive archive of digital images I created over the course of more than 20 years. These images are sold as signed prints on satin paper, PVC or canvas. My original scanography technique also enables high magnification, unique detail, unusual focus, as well as large-scale seamless composite images….
Organizing Animal-Assisted Therapy (2000>)
I first discovered the field of animal-assisted therapy in 2000 as we worked on founding Helping Paws, the first Czech organization to train assistance dogs. After organizing, creating a methodology and training volunteers and professionals for Helping Paws, I joined or co-founded multiple other animal-assisted therapy projects, recently dolphin-assisted therapy….
Dolphin-Assisted Therapy (2011>)
Dolphin-assisted therapy is not my direct expertise. I don’t do the actual therapy, but I do help organizing and promoting it. My involvement in this field naturally grew from my extensive experience in developing methodology, training people and providing information services in the field of animal-assisted therapy as a whole….
Assistance Dogs [Helping Paws n.g.o.] (2000>)
In 2000 I co-founded the first Czech non-profit organization to train assistance dogs for health-impaired patients. We named it Pomocné tlapky o.p.s. (Helping Paws n.g.o.) and since then, over two hundred dogs were handed over to our clients. Getting Started When my husband Jim and I bought Barkley, a cute…
Tony Achmat’s Legacy (2018>)
When Tony Achmat passed away in May 2018, we lost a dear friend and collaborator, but the world lost an award-winning business coach and motivational public speaker. We continue supporting his ‘adopted family’ in Sri Lanka and do our best to keep his legacy alive through the Value Anatomy project….
Alchemy Readings & Performances Series (2002-2018)
I co-founded and intermittently participated in organizing the Alchemy Readings & Performance Series – English-language evenings with author readings, poetry, music, and performance. Despite being purely a volunteer effort with a changing sequence of hosts, the series went on for 16 years, highlighted over a hundred featured performers and nurtured…
Alchemy Labs Writers’ Group (2012-2013)
Alchemy Labs was a modest project for English-speaking writers in Prague, aimed at honing their work and preparing it for public performance. The idea was launched at the ten-year anniversary of the Alchemy Readings and Performances Series in September, 2012. That anniversary evening celebrated the publishing of my husband’s books…
ReSITE: Bridging Prague (2012)
Urban Planning Competition In the spring of 2012 I had the opportunity to participate in the Bridging Prague International Design Competition, an urban-planning event aiming at redesigning the banks of the Vltava River. The contest was open to both professional and amateur teams, looking for fresh ideas rather than architectural…
Artist’s Way Creativity Courses (2010-2013)
I first began using the Artist’s Way methodology for unblocking creativity in 1996 on myself, then guided a variety of artistic friends and eventually co-facilitated courses that combined this method with our own unique techniques. This experience formed the basis for how I teach today. Teaching Creativity When I tell…
DoMa / at HoME Theater (2010)
Hunger In the summer of 2010, I had the honor to collaborate with an English-speaking theater group, HoME, that creates and performs ‘site-specific theater’ in Prague. As the name implies, they perform in people’s homes. In this case, they temporarily took over my studio at Gallery Hunger and my roommate’s…
Testimony of the Soul (2010)
A Book of Poems and Flowers In 2010, my flower scans inspired Czech poet Jan Maruna to write a collection of poems. I selected 40 of my scans of iconic flowers, such as rose, tulip, iris, but also forget-me-nots and clover. Jan wrote a short poem for each. The resulting…