Tony Achmat’s Legacy (2018>)

When Tony Achmat passed away in May 2018, we lost a dear friend and collaborator, but the world lost an award-winning business coach and motivational public speaker. We continue supporting his ‘adopted family’ in Sri Lanka and do our best to keep his legacy alive through the Value Anatomy project. Tony Achmat Legacy Fund Tony’s…

By Michaela Freeman October 7, 2019 Off

Value Anatomy (2017>)

Value Anatomy is a modern methodology for education, personal development, healing and business. It maps over 800 key human values into a hierarchy. I developed it with an international team and we are now ready to teach it and create tools such as a personality test, motivational cards, publications, etc.

By Michaela Freeman October 6, 2019 Off

Dolphin-Assisted Therapy (2011>)

Dolphin-assisted therapy is not my direct expertise. I don’t do the actual therapy, but I do help organizing and promoting it. My involvement in this field naturally grew from my extensive experience in developing methodology, training people and providing information services in the field of animal-assisted therapy as a whole. Dolphin-Assisted Therapy for Czech and…

By Michaela Freeman October 6, 2019 Off

Dolphin-Assisted Therapy – Working on a New Book

Dolphin-assisted therapy may be a new concept for you, but I spent the last seven years providing organizational support to Czech clients headed to Turkey to receive this treatment. Strangely, I didn’t get down there myself – until now. My Animal-Assisted Therapy Background My collaboration with Olda Bures, the first (and practically only) Czech dolphin-assisted…

By Michaela Freeman November 13, 2018 Off

Off to Meet the Dolphins

The Dolphin is one of the seven main animal symbols in Value Anatomy, embodying the energy of Love and the Heart Chakra. Seven years ago, I began collaborating with Olda Bureš, the first Czech dolphin therapist – meaning someone who assists dolphins in healing people, not the other way around. Olda spends each spring and…

By Michaela Freeman September 17, 2018 0